I’m famous

Y’all, it’s happened. I’ve become famous! I’m so excited! Okay, I'm not really famous, but I am excited to be quoted. You can check out the article here.

I think I’m taking a short summer break. I’m balancing many things right now, and I am overwhelmed most days. So, my writing is being paused, except for my monthly newsletter.

I suggest that my clients start a spending journal. This helps us notice patterns in our spending. I wanted to share the instructions with you. Try it out for a week or two and see how things go. You can get the instructions and sign up for my newsletter here.

I hope you have a happy and safe summer!

Oh! Follow me on Facebook Here.
And Instagram Here.


Mid-Year Financial Check-In: Evaluating Progress and Areas for Improvement


Empowering Financial Transformations: The Journey to Financial Freedom