No Spend September 2024

If you don’t follow me on Facebook (which you should) or are a subscriber to my newsletter, you don’t know that I have decided to do a “No-Spend September.” The goal is to save enough to take my family of 6 to Universal Studios Orlando, Florida.

I know what you’re thinking: how are you saving that much in one month? We have already started this month to save for our trip in October. And I’m sure you're wondering how we do this so cheaply. Well, my parents live about 30 minutes away (depending on I-4 traffic) from Universal Studios. So we have a free room and most meals. We need tickets and can get discount tickets with my retired veteran husband. So, luckily, we can pull this off pretty cheaply, but let's get back to the important stuff.

What is a no-spend month?

Simply put, a no-spend month is an entire month when you don’t purchase the extras. You purchase essentials only. So, stopping at the convenience store for a soda is out. Heck, purchasing that candy bar in the checkout lane is out. A lot of our spending is out. From appliances in the kitchen (I need a new food processor) to blankets or crafting stuff, we will not purchase it. I know it sounds like torture.

Why do this?

I have several reasons.

  1. To learn contentment. Can I get away without purchasing a food processor? Yep! Yes, having one makes certain things easier; however, I can still make those items; it just takes more work.

  2. We need to reign in our extra spending. Our Miscellaneous fund has gotten out of control over the summer. We need to check ourselves to see if we really need that item.

  3. Transformation and growth are a thing. I’ll get to learn more about my spending triggers.

  4. Reassess our priorities. Which things do we need to pay for regularly, and which things are we overpaying for?

  5. I’m working on my discipline. After this month, I should be able to control my impulses better. I get to test the tips I give my clients.

The Deets (How this no-spend September works)

I need rules because I can convince myself that every purchase is essential. So here they are.

  • Spend Only on Essentials: Limit your spending to absolute necessities like rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, medical, and essential transportation. If it’s not crucial, avoid purchasing it.

  • Plan Ahead: At the start of the month, create a plan for your essential expenses. Meal prep, budget for bills, and anticipate any necessary purchases to avoid last-minute spending temptations.

  • Pause Before You Purchase: Before buying anything, pause and ask yourself if it’s truly necessary. Consider if it can wait until after September or if you can find a free alternative (borrowing from friends and family comes to mind.)

  • Track Your Spending: Keep a daily log of every expense, no matter how small. This helps you stay accountable and mindful of where your money is going.

  • Celebrate Progress, Not Perfection: Focus on making progress rather than being perfect. If you slip up, don’t dwell on it—acknowledge it, learn from it, and get back on track. Every step towards spending less is a win!


This is a task you want to do with others. It’s honestly a real challenge that can push your buttons. However, I’m not going to leave you alone. I’m going to help you. Guess what? I have a challenge group on Facebook if you want to join. I’ll be posting accountability posts twice a week and encouragement regularly. You can join here.

If you don’t want to join the Facebook group, you can sign up for the challenge emails here. If you start in the middle of the month, you will still get the sequence of emails whenever you sign up.

The best option is to do both! You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity. But don’t worry, I’m planning another one for February!


Savings, Spontaneity, and Self-Discipline


Mid-Year Financial Check-In: Evaluating Progress and Areas for Improvement