The Ideal Person to Assist You.

So why am I, a homeschooling mom of 4, veteran, wife, follower of Christ, and financial coach, the ideal person to help you with your financial difficulties? Besides the fact that I’m fantastic, I have some other reasons.

Personal Experience: I have ADHD. I don’t just read books about it; I’m surrounded by it. Everyone in my family has ADHD. I breathe, being distracted until I hyperfocus on something that brings me joy. What brings me joy? Learning about financial management and ADHD.

Personally Overcoming Financial Obstacles: I also know the struggle of insufficient money to cover the monthly bills. I’ve gone from getting WIC checks to being debt-free in 14 months. What a challenge that was! But I’ve walked the walk; I’m sharing my experiences. Who wants a coach who hasn’t been through the storm? I don’t.

Passion: My passion is helping people with ADHD succeed, from finances to homeschooling. It’s not just about the topics. It’s about how our brains work, how we have a million thoughts simultaneously. How we can find something interesting one week, and the following week, it brings us no joy. Knowing this helps me to help you win.

Success: While my client list is growing, so is my success rate. One client told me how they love having margin in their budget now. Another paid off $9,000 worth of debt in 12 months! And I have a success story of paying off $24,000 in 14 months on a single income.

My unique combination of personal experience, passion, and proven results make me the ideal person to help others with ADHD navigate their financial challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve economic well-being.

Schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!


You CANNOT do this…